St Matthew’s has a classic, practical, stylish uniform in bottle green with gold and black accents. We are proud of how smart our girls look in their uniforms and we do encourage a high attention to detail in how it is worn and maintained. The uniform symbolises the traditions and achievements of St Matthew’s and it is important that the uniform is always neat and clean.
NZ Uniforms are the retailer for new uniform and can be purchased online or instore at their Masterton store, with second hand uniform being sold at our onsite uniform shop.
Uniform shop location and opening times
The Uniform Shop is located on site, behind Main House and is signposted from the Chapel. It is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3pm – 4pm during term time.
The shop is managed by Juliet Smith who can be contacted on 027 5550528 or by emailing: smcsuniforms@trinityschools.nz
What to wear and when
We have a summer and a winter uniform, with a formal and informal version of each.
Formal uniform is worn on Wednesdays when we have Assembly and Chapel, and for events and occasions such as Prizegiving or House Competition days. Informal uniform is worn for all other days.
Summer uniform is worn in Terms 1 and 4, winter uniform is worn in Terms 2 and 3.
Sport: PE uniform is worn throughout the year, the tracksuit is required from the beginning of term 1 for Athletics and Swimming Sports. Winter sports uniforms for Hockey, Netball and Football are purchased towards the end of term 1, when teams are confirmed.
Payment options
Payment by EFTPOS or credit card only in the school Second Hand Uniform Shop. No cash payments, uniform disbursements or Internet banking payments please.
The school Uniform shop has some sample sizes for fitting uniform if desired, new items can then be purchased online with NZ Uniforms or at their Masterton store. NZ Uniforms can deliver the next day to home, school, or for pick up at their store in town.
Jewellery and make up
Only a wristwatch and a single pair of stud earrings can be worn, one in each ear (ear lobe, not high in the ear). The earrings should be small, and only plain gold, silver or white pearls are permitted. Nail varnish is not appropriate for school. Make up is not permitted at school.
Hair should be clean, tidy, of a natural colour and tied back off the face. Bottle green ribbons or bottle green, black or tortoiseshell clips, bands or hair ties only.