Sport is about learning to be a team player. Sport is about realising that winning and losing are both temporary and that you cannot give up.
Sport is good for building confidence for both the natural sportsperson, and those with less coordination. It is about doing your personal best.
The school offers excellent facilities for it’s sport and physical education programme which are continually being upgraded.
St Matthew’s Collegiate Sport 2022
Sport is compulsory and students are to participate in a minimum of one sport within the year. The option is to play a Summer sport for both Terms 1 and 4, or a Winter sport for Terms 2 & 3. There are a couple of codes which cross seasons such as Equestrian. The expectation is that each student will commit to a minimum of one code and attend both trainings and games for the entire season. Students may wish to play sport throughout the year if desired, as long as they can honour their commitments to the codes they sign up for.
We require each student to sign up for their chosen sport by the end of Week 1, Term 1 (for both summer and winter sport). Having sign ups in advance will allow enough time to arrange team numbers, trials, seek coaches and various other tasks needing to be done in preparation. We would like to have minimal changes to the sign ups so please take your time to consider if you can commit to the code and what is involved. If you do not sign up within the time period or change your code you will be placed in a team which the Sport Department see fit and where numbers are required. This will be up to the discretion of the Sport Department. Once teams are named students or parents will have one week to inform the Sport Department of any withdrawals before registration fee’s are charged (as teams are registered). There will be communication made of teams and the time frame to inform of any changes.
Below are the list of codes offered at St Matthew’s Collegiate for 2022 which cover the compulsory sport aspect. There may be other codes mentioned below which students may participate in, in addition to a compulsory code.
* The introduction of sport officiating is to allow students to gain training in their chosen code and officiate for both the school and if interested other schools in the region. Having students trained in these roles is a step toward assisting with the rapidly decreasing number of officials in most codes. If a student chooses to become an official for their code there will be a requirement to undertake a weekly training session and be available for various fixtures once confident. Each student will be mentored by an experience individual specific to their code. We would love to have students involved with officiating which we believe will benefit both our school and the sporting community.
Summer Sport options – Terms 1 & 4
Term 1 – sport commences 14 Feb 22
Term 4 – sport commences 18 Oct 22
- Cricket
- Clay Birding Shooting Years 9-13
- Cycling – Years 9-13
- Dragon Boating – Yr 12-13 only (Term One only)
- Equestrian
- Running Group
- Swimming Group
- Tennis – all year groups
- Touch Rugby
- Volleyball – all year groups
- Summer Sport Fun – social/in house
- Officiating a Summer sport – cricket referee, scorekeeper, touch rugby ref etc.
Winter Sport options – Terms 2 & 3
Term 2 & 3 – sport commences 7 May 22 and finishes on 27 Aug 22
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Clay Bird Shooting
- Cycling
- Equestrian
- Football
- Hockey
- Netball
- Rifle Shooting
- Squash
- Fitness – yr 12-13 only
- Officiating a Winter sport – netball umpire, football, basketball or hockey referee etc.
*There will be Ski Team selected to attend a tournament – but this will not be a sport that fulfils the compulsory sport requirement.
*If none of the sports option are going to work, or appeal please inform the sport department immediately so an alternate plan can be made to suit your needs. If these really are not your thing let us know
Below are details related to each code ..…
Years 7 & 8
Summer sport options – term 1 and 4 – commencing 15th Feb. 2022
Competition days TBC. Competition to be played at Wairarapa College
Games played on Wednesday afternoons at various locations within Wairarapa. Training day and time TBC.
If you are interested in coaching or assisting with this team please let us know as we require assistance.
Depending on the interest from our primary girls, there is a competition we can enter. Games are on Fridays at various locations. There will be a cost from Wairarapa Tennis Association for the entry of the team. We will require assistance of parents to manage each team and assist with transport.
Private Lessons
Jacob Emery and his team will take tennis lessons for any students. Lessons can be done in a group setting or individual lessons. This can be done during lunch times.
Touch Rugby
A competition will be run in both Term 1 and Term 4 this year. There will be one training a week. Games will be played at McJorrow Park (behind netball courts) on Thursdays.
Swimming Group
We are looking to offer a swimming group where the girls can gain swimming training no matter which level they are at. There will not be any formal competitions for this group as this is all done via clubs or for those who qualify for inter school competitions. The group will meet at days and times that suit with a teacher who has vast experience in swimming.
Running Group
The group will meet one lunch time and run as a group. All levels welcome.
Wednesday Summer Sport Fun
Each Wednesday 3.30pm – 4.30pm there will be summer sport games offered to our students on sight. Girls are to wear PE gear, sport shoes and bring a drink bottle. They will meet in the gym and then play a range of games over the course of the term. This will start in week 2 of term 1 and finish week 11. This is social, fun and a great form of entertainment for boarders or day girls with a free afternoon.
Winter sport options – term 1 and 4 – commencing week 2 of term 2
Games are played on Wednesdays in the Wairarapa Competition. There will be one training a week. A uniform can be purchased from the uniform shop.
Games days yet to be confirmed but have been Friday’s previously. There will be one training per team during the week. A uniform can be purchased from the uniform shop. All games are played at Clareville Hockey Turf.
Games to be played on Tuesday afternoon/evenings at Colombo Road Courts. Each team will train once a week. The netball dress can be purchased from the uniform shop.
Basketball – if there are enough players we will make a Basketball team
Years 9-13
Summer sport options – term 1 and 4 – commencing 15th Feb. 2022
Swimming Group
We are looking to offer a swimming group where the girls can gain swimming training no matter which level they are at. There will not be any formal competitions for this group as this is all done via clubs or for those who qualify for inter school competitions. The group will meet at days and times that suit with a teacher who has vast experience in swimming.
SMS will have teams participating in the 1st Xl competition and the T20 competition in Term 1 and 4. 1st Xl games are played on Tuesdays with Saturdays as a possibility. 2nd Xl and junior games will be played on Tuesdays. Games are at various locations within the region.
We will find a team for students of any ability – if you have never played before but wish to give it a go please still sign up.
If there are any parents wishing to coach or assist with Cricket please let us know as we will be requiring assistance.
Cycling (Yr 9-13)
Open to riders of all abilities. Riders must have their own bike. Rides will be Tuesday and Thursdays. We are on the look out for a cycling trainer so please advise the sport department if you would like to be involved.
Dragon Boating (Yr 12 & 13 only)
We are offering dragon boating this year to Year 12 & 13 students. Trainings will be on Thursdays at Henley Lake 4.00-5.30 pm. Aim of the season would be to attend a Regatta held locally then building towards Wellington Schools festival 6 Mar 22.
Secondary School competition – played Thursday afternoons at Masterton Tennis Club or at SMS/opposition school courts.
You must be available to play the singles and doubles each Thursday – this will usually finish around 5.30-6pm. Players are put into teams of 2 or 3 if they wish to have a reserve to share the weeks with.
Regional 3 competition played on Monday afternoons at Masterton Tennis Club.
Games will begin Week 2 of Term 1. Open to players of all abilities – you will need to score your own game but assistance can be given if required.
Prem 1 competition on Friday evenings for competitive players.
Social tennis – there will a social tennis group offered on Thursday afternoons. Players of any ability are welcome. Tennis racquet can be supplied.
Touch Rugby
Games will be on Thursday afternoons at McJarrow Park, Masterton. Teams should have one training a week and players must be willing to assist with refereeing if required (we will look to our senior students for these duties). There will be a touch rugby team that will compete in our Summer Quad – there will be trails for this team for those who wish to trial.
Girls of all abilities welcome. A training will be held each week for each team. Games are likely to be on Wednesdays and a venue TBC. If there is interest, we will continue to send a Senior A volleyball team to Palmerston North every second Monday during Term 1 to compete in the Manawatu Competition. A trail will be arranged if numbers dictate. The Senior A will train once or twice a week.
Running Group
The group will meet one lunch time and run as a group. All levels welcome.
Wednesday Summer Sport Fun
Each Wednesday 3.30pm – 4.30pm there will be summer sport games offered to our students on sight. Girls are to wear PE gear, sport shoes and bring a drink bottle. They will meet in the gym and then play a range of games over the course of the term. This will start in week 2 of term 1 and finish week 11. This is social, fun and a great form of entertainment for boarders or day girls with a free afternoon.
Winter sport options – term 2 and 3
A badminton competition will be run within the school. We will look to select a team or two to compete in the intercollegiate competition which details are yet to be confirmed. All abilities are welcome to this competition, racquets can be supplied. PE uniform to be worn.
Basketball is run through Terms 2 and 3. Games are on Mondays and will likely be played at the YMCA in Masterton. The team will have a training each week. Uniforms will be supplied.
Clay Bird Shooting
Clay Bird Shooting is held down at Tauherenikau at the Wairarapa Clay Target Club grounds. This is held on Wednesdays. A minivan will take the girls down there for the duration of the shoot and then return back to the Boarding House. If you are keen to know more about this sport, we can direct you to the parents that are involved and send you an information pack.
Equestrian (all year round depending on events)
We have a strong group of students involved with Equestrian. If you are keen to know more about the programme for the year, please contact Mark Kitchingman, Manager for St Matthew’s Equestrian on
All Football teams will compete in the Wairarapa competition in 2022. Games are usually Wednesday or Thursdays – but this will be confirmed once the entries are made. We provide uniform for the 1st and 2nd XI and primary football teams. Girls are required to have their own boots and shin pads – both are compulsory items. Each team will have a training weekly – day to be confirmed.
Games days are yet to be confirmed. Trainings determined once teams are named and coaches appointed. The hockey uniform can be purchased from the uniform shop for all teams other than the 1st and 2nd Xl. The 1st Xl will compete in the Manawatu competition and all other teams in the Wairarapa Competition which are held at Clareville. Trials will be run for all teams and dates will be advised.
All secondary school games will be held on Saturdays at Colombo Road. Trainings will be confirmed once teams are named and coaches confirmed. The Senior A will compete in the local competition and the Regional Secondary School League. Trials dated will be advertised for all teams. Uniforms will be supplied for Senior A and Senior B. The remainder of teams will need to purchase a uniform from the uniform shop.
Rifle Shooting
This is held down in the Masterton Clubrooms at 14 Cole Street during Term 2 and 3. Time is 7.00 – 9.00 pm. Run by Club member and parents.
Details to be confirmed if there is interest.
If there is the interest, we will look to send a team to the Secondary School Squash competition. There must be a commitment to squash throughout the season in order to warrant sending a team however.
Outside of school activities available;
Surf Life Saving – Riversdale Surf Club
Riversdale Surf Life Saving Club have started training but are open to more students joining if they are interested. For further information and to discuss how this works please phone Mike Taylor on 0274626260.
Sport sign ups 2022 are now available and will close Sunday of Week 1. Please go to the Sport Sign-ups under the parent tab from this website.
Coaching, Managing and assisting with sport
Due to offering a large number of codes we are in need of assistance with coaching, managing and general help with running the sports programme. We are frequently short of people to fill these roles and would love to hear from anyone who may wish to assist with anything sport this year
Please make contact if you think you would like to get involved – any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Alerts and notices regarding Sport – very important
Sports alerts and notices are made via the school app. Please ensure both yourself and your daughter has the app. You will miss very important information if you are not viewing these alerts.
If anyone wishes to assist with a summer or winter sport, please email
We would love to have your assistance.
We are always looking for new opportunities/sports to offer so please let us know if you specialise in a code which you would like to have offered to students.