Offered at individual, form, house, year and whole-school levels, St Matthew’s cultural activities are not just for the best actresses, musicians or artists. All girls are inspired and encouraged to develop their interests and talents – whether that’s taking part in a fun choir, playing in the orchestra or competing at the highest level in a national Shakespeare festival.

St Matthew’s has a long and proud tradition of musical excellence. Our state-of-the-art music suite, variety of tuition options and strong performance focus combine to produce high levels of participation, enjoyment and success.
From an early age students gain an overview and grounding in music and have multiple opportunities to explore areas of interest. Music is taught as a compulsory subject in Years 7 to 9, after which it becomes an option.
Our modern music suite includes four dedicated practice rooms, one of which is a band rehearsal room complete with drum kit and amplifiers. Two high-quality pianos, computers for research and composition and a range of instruments are available.
Private tuition in woodwind, brass, voice, piano, string and drums is available at St Matthew’s from our team of experienced itinerant teachers. Girls at Senior College can pursue their music lessons often with the same teachers.
An integral part of school cultural life, St Matthew’s musicians love to perform. Girls have multiple opportunities to extend themselves and showcase their talents through performance at musical productions, prize giving, carol services, House Music and concerts.
The highly-contested and entertaining annual House Music Competition involves all girls and performs to a capacity audience.
Depending on their interest and ability, girls can join the orchestra, various choirs, jazz and rock bands and the Wairarapa Youth Concert Band.
The combined St Matthew’s Rathkeale choir, Viva Camerata, performs regularly and competes in the national Big Sing competition. Some of our students enrol in the NZ School of Music’s Young Musician Programme. St Matthew’s singing pupils regularly achieve outstanding results in competitions in the Wellington region.
We offer a range of music lessons taught by itinerant music teachers. If any girl is interested in taking music lessons they need to go and see the Music Department.
The creation and development of roles through drama and dance promotes a better understanding of others and different methods of communication. Drama and dance also demand an ability to work co-operatively to achieve a common goal.
Our girls are also offered private speech and drama lessons by a qualified, experienced teacher. Many of our girls sit external exams.
This is taught as part of the Physical Education curriculum. Other opportunities to participate in Dance are coordinated by Mr Doug Davidson who invites the NZ Ballet to visit St Matthew’s and also our girls attend productions in Wellington.
Mr Davidson also coordinated our annual ballroom dancing lessons. Our Year 9 and 10 students have lessons in Term four and combine with the boys from Rathkeale College.
Outside the Classroom
Masterton boasts excellent dance and drama schools and amateur theatre. Many of our girls attend lessons in their own time. It is an important culture among our girls and they regularly feature in local productions in lead roles.
- Year 7/8 – compulsory in modules with Music
- Year 9 – compulsory in modules
- Year 10 – offered as one of three options
- Year 11 – NCEA Music and Drama
- Year 12/13 – NCEA Music and Drama
Our drama curriculum is supported by the following productions throughout the school
- Bi-annual Year 7/8 production
- Bi-annual junior (Y9/10) production
- Y11 Shakespeare – entry in to the Sheila Winn regional competition
- Annual Senior College Production