Charged with the governance of St Matthew’s, the Board of Trustees is comprised of:
- two representatives of the Trinity Schools Trust Board (the Proprietors),
- six members of the College’s larger community elected by parents/caregivers for a three-year term, and
- three school representatives: one staff representative, one student representing the student body and the Principal (as an ex-officio member).
Key documentation:
Current members of the Board of Trustees are
Name | Role |
Mrs Amy Williams | Parent and Community Representative |
Mr Alistair Plimmer (Chair) | Parent and Community Representative |
Mr Ian Smith | Parent and Community Representative |
Mr Andrew Lincoln | Parent and Community Representative |
Mr Matt Weston | Proprietor Representative |
Mrs Kiri Gill | Principal |
Mrs Sandie Sherwen | Staff Representative |
Tess McKenzie | Student Representative |